Education starts at a very early age. When we gather our earliest memories, we tend to remember our first impressions of that time as rather strong imprints. And for most of us, those first impressions probably have defined the path…

This week, the students of Guiding Light Academy will go on a Pilgrimage to Martyrs Shrine to venerate the Canadian Martyrs. Yet what made the Canadian Martyrs so special? What made St. René Goupil, St. Isaac Jogues, St. Jean de Lalande, St. Antoine Daniel, St. Jean de Brébeuf,…

cross, education

In ancient times, death by crucifixion was considered one of the most horrid way  of perishing. The symbol of the cross was associated to so much infamy that the mere sight of it would produce terror and rejection. Such were…

Mother Teresa on Education

As Summer comes to an end, students, parents and teachers return to their well known schedules, rituals and routines. Saying Good Bye to Summer and to many hours to spare may not be exactly appreciated by the youngsters. Yet, as…