Welcome To Guiding Light Academy. 

Inspiring lifelong learning along with the development of spiritual awareness

At GLA, our primary aim is to inspire lifelong learning along with the development of spiritual awareness in your child by employing a holistic and problem-solving approach to education. Our impeccably made curriculum emphasizes strongly on a higher level of academics, spiritual awareness, and a host of co-curricular activities encouraging the development of critical problem solving in students.

We strive to provide our students with a nurturing learning environment, encouraging self-awareness and independent learning, thus, building strong morals, emotional intelligence, and ethical values. Our worldwide learning techniques coupled with our propriety curriculum leverage students towards success within the global employment sector as well as in other aspects of life.


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    Why Guiding Light

    A Safe Place For Your Child

    At Guiding Light Academy, we added additional enhancements based on recommendations from Health and Safety advisors and medical professionals on account of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

    Our mission is to facilitate a safe return to school with these four risk mitigation pillars in place: Limiting exposure, Increased sanitation, Flexible learning, and an adaptive school environment.

    We work together to keep us all safer. For referring to our complete school safety guidelines for the academic year 2020-2021

    Spiritual Guidance

    Through daily prayer and liturgy studies, students are encouraged to celebrate and development a strong love for their Catholic Faith. 

    At Guiding Light Academy we emphasize the importance of developing the spiritual core values and encourage students to treat each other with respect and kindness at all times.

    Through strong spiritual connection, students foster self-awareness, inner strength and compassion for others.


    The academic program at Guiding Light Academy supports our mission to develop a passion for learning.

    Our program is specifically designed to develop a solid academic foundation for which students are able to build lifelong learning success.

    The combination of our dedicated instructors and nurturing learning environment, helps to engage student learning well beyond the traditional curriculum programming.


    Our curricular activities are considered an extension to the formal and traditional academic programming.

    We believe these experiences provide innovative and interactive teaching and learning opportunities that enhance your child’s overall learning.

    At GLA we offer such experiences as musical studies/performances, creative dance, visual art studies, and gymnastics which help to complement to the GLA academic program.